Five Presidents from Virginia

Five Presidents from Virgina homes can be visited nearby, three within just about a 1-hour drive; they include Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello (1-hour from OBS)  –  James Monroes Highland (1-hour, 3-mins from OBS) –  Woodrow Wilson’s Presidential Library and museum (34-minute drive from OBS)  – James Madison’s Montpelier (1-hour, 34-minute drive from OBS)  –  –  George Washington’s Mount Vernon (2-hours, 54-minute drive from OBS) – Theodore (‘Teddy’) Roosevelt’s rustic Pine Knot cabin can also be found and was Teddy’s rustic retreat – (1-hour, 14-minute drive from OBS). This area therefore includes an amazing amount of US Presidential history with each visit being about a half-day or more packed with tours of plantations, residences, and all sorts of incredible historical information and perspectives. If you’re a history buff, OBS is a perfect place to use as your home base and explore from there. (tip: you’ll be amazed at how much you will learn about US history, via these Presidents, and how these 5 Presidents in particular greatly shaped our country, even as it is today – e.g. The Monroe Doctrine, protection of vast federally protected Forests, the shaping of our US Constitution, etc.).